Enhance Scene/Character Drawer
René-Pier Deshaies-Gélinas
The current drawer used to manage scenes or characters doesn't include a way to search for a specific group or entity.
This becomes a problem if you have been playing with Fari for a long time, and you have a lot of scenes and characters since the only way to get to what where you want is to scroll until you find what you are looking for.
Also, the current sorting mechanisms makes it so that things are often never at the same place when opening the drawer between sessions.
Things should be consistent and the drawer should let people search for what they are looking for.
René-Pier Deshaies-Gélinas
Released with https://fari.canny.io/changelog/binder-interface-updates-randomizers-v510
René-Pier Deshaies-Gélinas
Valdenor Júnior
Tag system?
René-Pier Deshaies-Gélinas
in progress
René-Pier Deshaies-Gélinas
Progress has started on this. Here's a preview :)
René-Pier Deshaies-Gélinas